I heard plenty of stories like this when I was a kid in the evangelical church.
'OH, what a tragedy it would have been if the mother of successful so and so had had an abortion... Praise god she had a change of heart.'
They basically fetishized exceptional achievement to demonize abortion and shame women who chose it for themselves. It was arrogant and selfish and, looking back, I can now see it was a major factor in influencing me to support the Pro-choice position as an adult and revile the narrow-minded prohibitionists. They cared about an agenda and the messaging it took to keep the tithes flowing to support that agenda.
Women have the right to choose, no matter how repulsive Evangelicals find the procedure. What's more, when the population grows too great and resources start growing too thin, we'll finally start seeing how precious life really is when these wealthy prosperity gospel parasites take even greater measures to ignore the hungry masses crowded outside their gated communities. Face it. The human population can't grow forever. Family planning and abortion services will be a vital tool in the process of preventing ecological collapse and helping to maintain a functional balance between humans and the rest of nature.