It's a fine ideal but it's a misnomer to say that nature would be a peaceful state absent human interference. Most animals in nature live with constant stress and are somwwhat malnourished day to day. Hardly a peaceful state. And you can't use Audubon's example as an authoritative treatise on human intent/outcome. We've done a lot in the last century or so to help the natural world and science is on the verge of being able to revive some species to a degree. I could name that species of African rhino for a start. So it's a bit of a dodge to claim all human interference is bad.
And yes, evil people have created some genius things, but what's done is done. All we can do now is acknowledge the disparity, learn from outcome and strive for a better state of affairs. But it's not a good idea to dismiss the beneficial glimpses of history because the people involved were monsters by today's standards. Julius Caesar likely did some horrendous things in his subjugation of the Gauls, but without his writings there are a lot of bits of history we'd have missed.