Our model of government is essentially over, yes, but our society will endure for the simple fact that we've spread our cultural hedonism and self-involved individualism so far and wide across the globe. The toxic Karjennian cult will still be in the headlines because rich people don't have to worry about the problems of the poor and can buy off politicos to ensure the rich stay rich and get even more rich in the process.
So no, we don't have what it takes to sustain what came before because we're too hedonistic and self-centered. Without some rock solid legal checks in place to prevent bad actors from using the legal mechanisms of government to subvert it, nothing will be saved. And that will probably never happen because anytime a good person tries to implement stronger safeguards to ensure a better society, a gaggle of selfish children start throwing temper tantrums about infringements on freedom and liberty. Unless people are forced to consider what responsibilities it takes to ensure broad enjoyment of rights, we're done for. There are too many people ready to tear apart other tribes they disagree with for it to come to any other conclusion.