Sex education is kinda of a joke in this country. Most programs are little more than a pamphlet that says 'this is a penis, this is a vagina, this is a condom; be careful.' Young people are naturally impulsive and will take risks. This is why a rational and comprehensive course in sex education is needed, one that teaches young people about all aspects of human sexuality, not just the biological aspects. I mean, shit, if sex ed emphasized open communication and trust between intimate partners, that would solve a good chunk of the overall problem.
The real tragedy about these crisis centers is that they are allowed to obfuscate and distort the truth, absent consequence, all thanks to the 1st Amendment. Religious freedom and freedom of speech allow their unethical behavior, sad to say. As a society, we have to start adopting legal philosophies which affirm that guaranteed constitutional rights can't be used for nefarious or underhanded ends. I don't see how our society can survive otherwise.