The formula is simple. Anything that plays to exploitation of human fears and desires is trash.
The owners of this site exploit the writers by paying them pennies when the articles written provide a wealth of data for the algorithms and an abundant ad revenue stream.
SOLUTION: Ignore the preferred site recommendations and only read and promote writers who are offering something of substance to the understanding of the human condition.
Charlatans exploit fears of destitution by trying to sell easy answers to the problem of low income.
SOLUTION: Stem the desire to succeed in a fashion which perpetuates our gross model of instant fame and strive for a model of creative integrity and patient substance in the creation of content.
Con artists exploit fears of loneliness by trying to sell simplistic seduction tips to solve the complex issue of relationships and coupling.
SOLUTION: Try listening to potential partners instead of manipulating them. If it works out, so much the better. If not, move on and find someone more compatible.
Ambitious bad actors exploit the desire to avoid boredom by producing a steady stream of click bait to draw in the naive and unwary.
SOLUTION: First, alter your desire and need to be constantly entertained. Then learn the system, discover how unethical bad agents operate, block them and warn others away from their work.
Doubt merchants will exploit the desire for peaceful coexistence by vociferously challenging anything they disagree with using obfuscations, half-truths and logical fallacy to stifle genuine, beneficial intellectual inquiry.
SOLUTION: Learn about rhetoric, psychological manipulation and logical fallacy in order to push back and keep these rats in the garbage where they belong.
Beauty influencers exploit the fear of rejection by pandering to exaggerated standards of desirability.
SOLUTION: Reject any displays of desirability which pander to arbitrary, manufactured standards of social worth and do your own thing. If people don't like it, fuck them and move on.