Yes, you're a nit wit, or more appropriately, a fucking moron.
Q altered the timeline in who knows how many ways, so temporal causality is no longer a given in the narrative. And it's certainly no credible basis for your shit-for-brains grievance against wokeness, not that your kind even understands what that means. El-Aurians may be more sensitive to time shifts in general but that's never been establish to mean they they can say for certain what is happening in altered timelines.
Multiple parallel timelines exist next to each other, so the punk on the bus is likely to exist in more than just the timeline from the 4th film, which itself is an example of timeline alteration. I dare you to go back and count all the temporal incursions depicted in Trek over the years and sort out how many timelines are depicted. I know for a fact TNG alone clocks in at five, at a minimum.
As for who the borg queen is in the second season, it's establish early that a Queen's consciousness transcends the 4th dimension. Furthermore, we don't know for sure when Q stared playing with Picard in this circumstance or that Jurati is the new Queen until AFTER Q sends them back, so there's no reason to assume the Queen who first beams on to the Stargazer and takes control is the exact same Queen who requests provisional membership in the Federation.
All of this is pointless debate anyway. At the end of the day, it comes down to you using flimsy logic to justify your bigotry and that's not cricket, boy-o. You're no Trekkie and never will be.